Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Favorite Call of Duty Classes

So, you're a Call of Duty gamer, but you're not getting the most out of the game because you're always on the bottom of the leader board, and someone is always on top racking up all the kills and has a godly KDR. Little do most people know, the perks and weapons used by the pros make a huge difference in their performance in the game, and using the correct combinations and grow your KDR exponentially and propel you to a better game. Call of Duty strategy is very important to utilize to get a better game, and become a better play.

As said before, classes can make a huge impact in the level of game you play and your performance. Typically, a noob trying to snipe is going to get obliterated, and will end up mad and not wanting to improve. You have to stick to the class you're playing with, get a feel for it, get good at it, practice, and learn how to play it. After you do that, try a new class, but always make sure to keep your memory fresh and play the old class(es) every once in a while. This kind of strategy will keep you on your toes to learn new strategies and class warfare, while keeping a huge bank of known classes to dominate with.

Typically, the classes that tend to dominate the game are Assault and Stealth classes. It's a fact. Tourneys and professional competitions of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 are usually filled with SCAR-H's and UMP45's because they're versatile, and adaptable to any kind of playing style, but they're not overly powerful or cheap weapons, so you won't be chastised for using them. UMP45 is the new MP5. The MP5k found in Modern Warfare 2 is lacking, the recoil is massive and the gun jumps around like a kangaroo on drugs, but it is still a formidable weapon in close quarters, as any SMG is. The UMP45 is very accurate, has a fast rate of fire, and has a honorable mention when it comes to damage. You won't be killing snipers from afar with this weapon, but you will be killing them in the back or flank. This is the perfect weapon to use for any stealth class, coupled with a silencer, cold-blooded, marathon and ninja, you'll be an invisible killing machine.

Do you think these claims are debatable? Want to see a few articles written by the best gamers in Call of Duty to have ever lived? Visit Call of Duty Strategy to see more, learn more, and become a better Call of Duty player.

A great Assault class utilizes the SCAR-H, typically with FMJ or a silencer. Some use the heartbeat sensor, as I do in S&D due to those pesky campers, but typically you will be using the former two. Sights are unnecessary due to the awesome viewing angle and the iron sights are some of the best in the game, they allow for great visibility. The gun is very accurate already and does not need a red dot sight or holographic. This gun is perfect for less aggressive players when using Sleight of Hand or Scavenger, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim. If you prefer to be a more up in your face player, use Sleight of Hand or Scavenger, Lightweight, and either SitRep, Steady Aim, or Ninja. The reason why I list so many possible perks to use is because this gun is just so adaptable that there is no single best layout and class for it, just a class that is better suited to your style of playing and more comfortable for you to use.

A good sniper uses Intervention. There, I told. All the other snipers are not worth using. Who cares if it's not bolt-action, the Intervention loads and reloads very fast, and is extremely deadly in the hands of a specialist. This gun may be harder to use than the previous two, but your KDR will be extremely high if you are smart in using it, but you may not be on the top of the leader board.

Riot Shield. Hahah. Funny. Typically, it's way too easy to kill a user of it, just throw a semtex, or stun them, run behind, and knife. They can be used to distract and detract attention from friendlies however, and can be used in more tactical games, but don't expect to be getting very many kills with the class.

Knifing classes will typically get you berated by other more experience players due to the lack of "skill" they claim it requires, but it is not as easy as it looks. To get a KDR above 1 with a knifing class is considered difficult, and you should be proud of getting it. This class utilizes an SMG for faster movement, a handgun, usually the USP .45 or .44 Magnum with the Tactical Knife attachment, marathon, lightweight, and commando. Commando allows for close combat from a not so close range of around 5-10 feet. It's difficult to tell, but the lunge is extremely deadly, and a bit nooby with this perk.
I would say that most light machine gun classes aren't too good, but some swear by it. The AUG HBar is a very powerful, fast, and easy to reload weapon. It can be extremely deadly and a potential sniper hunter weapon if you're fast enough. One of my friends who plays on the PS3 swears by the RPD with Foregrip attachment, and I must say, he can rack up kills like Chuck Norris on drugs.

If you have any requests or suggestions don't hesitate to comment and I will acknowledge and possibly post your idea on the site.

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